Save the Date! May 20th 5pm in "Comedy Blossoms!" at The Improv!

We are so excited to share our current Spring youth Comedy Playground Combo class culmination! See our amazing CP Comics & Friends in "Comedy Blossoms!" May 20th at The Improv in Hollywood! Amazing Teen & Pre-teen talent! Pre-sales tickets available at: Tickets $13/2 item in show room. Promo code: CPP gets you $3.00 off door entrance ticket. Featuring: Drew Bernstein, Autumn McGill, Benjamin Plessala, Amelia McGill, Riley St. John, Sean Laguna, Grady Merritt, with CP Grad guests: John LevisFitzgerald, Dash Williams and Walker Satterwhite! ComedyBlossoms


Save the Date! October 28th 5pm Pre-Halloween Comedy SHOW at The Improv in Hollywood!


January Article: The Wrath of The Honking Dragons in The Teen Mentor!