Rising Up with HA's! Published in The Teen Mentor Jan13, 2017

Be sure to see the new article within the Monthly Mentor segment of The Teen Mentor!Published today: "Rising Up with HA's!" is the featured article talking about the new year, and how to bring in some funnies in places you'd least suspect by Comedy Playground's15876258_1405431526135848_5462897739916378112_n, Susanna Spies!Rising up with HA's - Published today, Jan 2017https://theteenmentor.com/2017/01/13/rising-up-with-has-by-susanna-spies/


New Digs, New Session, New Funnies - Spring into Laughs 2017 Currently Enrolling!


Susanna Spies - Monthly Mentor with The Teen Mentor and New Articles Each Month!